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Kniga pamiati zhertv bol'shevistskogo terrora i politicheskikh repressii v Tambovskoi oblasti v 1918-1950-e gg.

Memorial book of victims of Bolshevik terror and political repression in the Tambov region in the 1918-1950-ies
Toma 1,2: Tambov : TSifra; Michurinsk; Proletarskii svetoch , 2017, 2018. 516+277 pp. 25 cm. Hard. 50 copies.  In Russian
The book includes lists of repressed citizens in three cities of the region: Tambov, Kirsanov and Michurinsk, as well as in rural areas - from Bondarsky to Michurinsky.
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[1.635 kg.]
V knigu voshli spiski repressirovannykh grazhdan po trem gorodam oblasti: Tambovu, Kirsanovu i Michurinsku, a takzhe po sel'skim raionam - ot Bondarskogo do Michurinskogo vkliuchitel'no, vsego - 8035 familii i kratkikh spravok. Andrei Vladislavovich KHaziev (Skilur) (1953-) - zhurnalist, chlen Soiuza zhurnalistov Rossii
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