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ZHurnalistika v tvorcheskoi sud'be I.A. Bunina: Monografiia

Journalism in the creative fate of I.A. Bunin: Monograph
Elets: EGU im. I.A. Bunina , 2019. 162 p. Soft. ISBN 978-5-00151-070-3. 500 copies.  In Russian
The book summarizes for the first time information regarding the creative connections of I.A. Bunin with contemporary journalism. The writer's relationship with the newspaper and magazine world is presented as a process of bilateral enrichment. The development of Bunin as the publicist is shown from the first works devoted to questions of literature and criticism to speeches about the political structure of Russia.
Status: von regionalen Vorhandensein
[0.212 kg.]
V knige vpervye obobshcheny svedeniia, kasaiushchiesia tvorcheskikh sviazei I.A. Bunina s sovremennoi emu zhurnalistikoi. Otnosheniia pisatelia s gazetno-zhurnal'nym mirom predstavleny kak protsess dvustoronnego obogashcheniia; pokazano razvitie Bunina-publitsista: ot pervykh rabot, posviashchennykh voprosam literatury i kritiki, do vystuplenii o politicheskom ustroistve Rossii. Avtor: Diakina Anzhelika Aleksandrovna - doktor filologicheskikh nauk.
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