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Vekhi proidennogo puti: kafedry fakul'teta, nauchnaia deiatel'nost': K 10-letiiu fakul'teta predprinimatel'stva i upravleniia

Milestones of the past way: departments of faculty, sientific activity: To the 10th Anniversary of the Faculty of Business and Management
Minsk: BGATU , 2006. 328 p., tables, graphs. 29 x 20.5 cm. Soft. ISBN 985-6770-34-3. 130 copies.  In Russian and Belarusian
The book contains information on the history of the faculty, its achievements and prospects, main directions of educational, methodical, scientific and research activity. Includes scientific workson economy by professors, undergraduates and students.
$20.00 $9.00
Statut: En stock régional
[0.711 kg.]
Tradètsèonnye cherty obuchenèia na fakul'tete — sochetanèe teoretècheskoho fundamental'noho obrazovanèia so spetsèal'noi prèkladnoi praktècheskoi podhotovkoi. Bol'shoe vnèmanèe udeliaetsia razvètèiu u studentov navykov analètècheskoi raboty è tvorcheskoho myshlenèia. Dlia praktècheskoi podhotovkè studentov uchebnymè planamè spetsèal'nostei predusmotreny uchebnye, uchebno-proèzvodstvennye praktèkè. Proèzvodstvennuiu praktèku nashè studenty prokhodiat preèmuùestvenno v peredovykh è bazovykh predprèiatèiakh è orhanèzatsèiakh ahropromyshlennoho kompleksa. Vse eto pozvoliaet vypusknèkam bystro è uspeshno prèsposablèvat'sia k meniaiuùèmsia trebovanèiam professèonal'noi deiatel'nostè.
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