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Istoriia viin i viis'kovoho mystetstva. U tr'okh tomakh: Tom 1 (bl. 3060 r. do KHrysta — pochatok XVI st.). Tom 2 (pochatok XVI – pochatok XX st.). Tom 3 Vid masovykh armii do vidrodzhennia profesiinykh armii (XX – pochatok XXI st.)

History of wars and martial arts. In three volumes: Volume 1 (c. 3060 BC - beginning of the XVI century). Volume 2 (beginning of XVI - beginning of XX century). Volume 3 From mass armies to the revival of professional armies (XX - early XXI century.)
Toma 1,2,3: KHar'kiv: Folio , 2021. 896+976+784 pp. 26 x 20 cm. Hard. ISBN 978-966-03-7956-5; 978-966-03-8350-0; 978-966-03-8744-7.  In Ukrainian
Military affairs cover all aspects of the existence and development of any society, as well as relations between its members. Production culture, the development and progress of technology, the establishment of production and the emergence of new technical means are always associated with war. Thus, it can be argued that military history is in fact the most complete history of human society, covering all aspects of its existence. The first volume of our publication is devoted to the history of wars and military art from Ancient Egypt to the transition to professional mercenaries and the European frontier (c. 3060 BC - early XVI century). The focus is on events and personalities that have influenced the development and evolution of military affairs in Europe. A bibliography of the main problems of military history of this period is given. The work is intended for both specialists and the general public, all who are interested in military history. The second volume of our publication is devoted to the history of wars and military art from professional mercenary armies to mass (mobilization) armies (beginning of the 16th century - beginning of the 20th century). The focus is on events and personalities that have influenced the development and evolution of military affairs in Europe. For the first time, the participation and role of Ukrainians in the wars of this period is revealed. The work is intended for both specialists and the general public, all who are interested in military history. The third volume of our publication is devoted to the history of wars and military art from mass armies to the revival of professional armies (XX - early XXI century). The main attention is paid to the events of the two world wars. For the first time, military actions on the territory of Ukraine, the role of guerrillas and the participation of the Ukrainian people in these wars are analyzed in detail. The work is intended for both specialists and the general public, all who are interested in military history.
Status: available to be ordered marc21
Viis'kova sprava okhopliuie vsi storony isnu­vannia i rozvytku bud'-iakoho suspil'stva, a takozh stosunky mizh ioho chlenamy. Vyrobnycha kul'tura, rozvytok i prohres tekhnolohii, nalahodzhennia vyrobnytstva i poiava novykh tekhnichnykh zasobiv zavzhdy pov’iazani z vii­noiu. Takym chynom, mozhna stverdzhuvaty, shcho viis'kova istoriia faktychno ie naibil'sh povnoiu istoriieiu liuds'koho su­spil'stva, iaka okhopliuie vsi storony ioho buttia. Pershyi tom nashoho vydannia prysviachenyi istorii viin i viis'kovoho mystetstva vid Davn'oho IEhyptu do perekhodu do profesiinykh naimanykh viis'k i ievropeis'koho frontyru (bl. 3060 do KHrysta — pochatok XVI ct.). Osnovna uvaha prydilena podiiam i osobystostiam, iaki maly vplyv na rozvytok i evoliutsiiu viis'kovoi spravy v IEvropi. Podana bibliohrafiia osnovnykh problem viis'kovoi istorii danoho periodu. Pratsia rozrakhovana iak na spetsialistiv, tak i na shyrokyi zahal, vsikh, khto tsikavyt'sia viis'kovoiu istoriieiu. Druhyi tom nashoho vydannia prysviachenyi istorii viin i viis'kovoho mystetstva vid profesiinykh naimanykh armii do masovykh (mobilizatsiinykh) armii (pochatok XVI ct. — pochatok XX st.). Osnovna uvaha prydilena podiiam i osobystostiam, iaki maly vplyv na rozvytok i evoliutsiiu viis'kovoi spravy v IEvropi. Vpershe rozkryta uchast' i rol' ukraintsiv u viinakh ts'oho periodu. Pratsia rozrakhovana iak na spetsialistiv, tak i na shyrokyi zahal, vsikh, khto tsikavyt'sia viis'kovoiu istoriieiu. Tretii tom nashoho vydannia prysviachenyi istorii viin i viis'kovoho mystetstva vid masovykh armii do vidrodzhennia profesiinykh armii (XX – pochatok XXI st.). Osnovnu uvahu prydileno podiiam dvokh svitovykh viin. Upershe detal'no rozibrani viis'kovi dii na terytorii Ukrainy, rol' partyzaniv ta uchast' ukrains'koho narodu v tsykh viinakh. Pratsia rozrakhovana iak na spetsialistiv, tak i na shyrokyi zahal, usikh, khto tsikavyt'sia viis'kovoiu istoriieiu.

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