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Onlar turklardi: Memur roman

They were Turks : Memoir novel
Baki: Mucru Nasriyyati , 2020. 168 p. Hard. ISBN 9789952405422.  In Azerbaijani
The book tells about the tragedies that the Russians inflicted on the Turks living in the former USSR, their difficult situation in the Soviet death camps, their humiliation and humiliation. For a long time, no exact information was known about the author of the book. Even some of his pages were unread because they were stained with blood. Later, Aslan Kenan found out that Rana was Abay Dagli, questioned her and conducted a serious search to find out her identity. Now, those who read this book of the author will know that the writer we know as Abay Dagli is in fact Jamil Ibrahim oglu Agayev. He went to the front in 1941, did not return and his whereabouts are unknown. It is unknown how he came to Turkey. The writer hid both his name and surname in Turkey and was known as Abay Dagli. The book is very valuable because it keeps the bloody pages of our history alive.
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