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Geroi Sovetskogo Soiuza gvardii kapitan Mikhail Markheev, gvardii leitenant Georgii Moskalev, gvardii mladshii serzhant Vasilii KHantaev: Stat'i, vospominaniia, pis'ma, dokumenty gosudarstvennykh i semeinykh arkhivov

Heroes of the Soviet Union Guards Captain Mikhail Markheev, Guards Lieutenant Georgy Moskalev, Guards Junior Sergeant Vasily Khantaev: Articles, memoirs, letters, documents of state and family archives
Ulan-Ude: BNTS SO RAN , 2020. 320 p., color il., art paper. 25 cm. Hard. 3000 copies.  In Russian
Based on the materials of the Central archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Scientific archives of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the State Archives of the Republic of Buryatia, the National Museum of the Republic of Buryatia, family archives. Most of them are published for the first time.
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V osnovu knigi polozheny avtorskie esse S.E. Basaeva o geroiakh, materialy TSentral'nogo arkhiva Ministerstva oborony RF, Nauchnogo arkhiva Instituta rossiiskoi istorii RAN, Gosudarstvennogo arkhiva RB, Natsional'nogo muzeia RB, semeinykh arkhivov, publikatsii proshlykh let, a takzhe vospominaniia, pis'ma sovremennikov. Mnogie materialy publikuiutsia vpervye. V chastnosti, v etom izdanii vvodiatsia v nauchnyi oborot mnogie arkhivnye foto- i pis'mennye dokumenty, otkryvaiushchie ranee ne izvestnye stranitsy geroicheskoi biografii M.F. Markheeva, G.N. Moskaleva, V.KH. KHantaeva.
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