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Tantsuia pod obstrelami. Dnevniki artistov Kirovskogo teatra 1941-1944 gg. iz osazhdennogo Leningrada.

Dancing under the shelling. Diaries of the artists of the Kirov Theater 1941-1944 from besieged Leningrad
Vyborg: Voennyi muzei Karel'skogo peresheika , 2019. 136 p., il. 24 cm. Soft. ISBN 978-5-6042192-5-6. 2000 copies.  In Russian
The first edition of Dancing in the Shells collection included diaries and memoirs of the Kirov Theater ballet dancers Natalia Pavlovna Sakhnovskaya and Olga Genrikhovna Jordan, as well as the Kirov Theater soloist Ivan Alekseevich Nechaev. Such a full version of the diaries is published for the first time. We know the general picture of the horrors of the blockade - hunger, cold, shelling, bombing, the collapse of the utilities of a million-strong city - but in these diaries they appear before us in all the nightmarish details and details. But the Leningrad opera and ballet artists did not give up - on the contrary, with their creativity they wanted to actively participate in the defense of Leningrad from the hated enemy. And they did it. They were real heroes of art. They not only gave concerts in impossible conditions, but also managed to save valuable shots for the Soviet ballet.
Status: für Bestellung zugänglich
[0.245 kg.]
V pervoe izdanie sbornika «Tantsuia pod obstrelami» voshli dnevniki i vospominaniia artistok baleta Kirovskogo teatra Natalii Pavlovny Sakhnovskoi i Ol'gi Genrikhovny Iordan, a takzhe solista Kirovskogo teatra Ivana Alekseevicha Nechaeva. Stol' polnaia versiia dnevnikov publikuetsia vpervye. My znaem obshchuiu kartinu uzhasov blokady — golod, kholod, obstrely, bombiozhki, kollaps raboty kommunal'nykh sluzhb millionnogo goroda — no v etikh dnevnikakh oni predstaiut pered nami vo vsekh koshmarnykh podrobnostiakh i detaliakh. No leningradskie artisty opery i baleta ne sdalis' — naoborot, svoim tvorchestvom oni khoteli aktivno uchastvovat' v oborone Leningrada ot nenavistnogo vraga. I oni eto sdelali. Oni byli nastoiashchimi geroiami iskusstva. Oni ne tol'ko davali kontserty v nevozmozhnykh usloviiakh, no i sumeli sokhranit' dlia sovetskogo baleta tsennye kadry.
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