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Nashi kotyky. Blindazh .

Our cats. Dugout
KHarkiv : Folio , 2020. 252 p. Hard. ISBN 978-966-03-9117-8.  In Ukrainian
The film story “Our Seals” is a tragicomic story about the adventures of ATO fighters, created based on the script of the film of the same name directed by Vladimir Tikhiy, which he co-authored with Valery Puziko. Events unfold at the beginning of the hot phase of the war in eastern Ukraine. The main characters: engineer, actor and flower seller, take up combat duty on one of the positions of the front. Warrior volunteers, like thousands of their brothers, have no idea that they play a decisive role in protecting the homeland while a combat-ready regular army is on its feet. The stories of the main characters with the call signs Summer, Professor and Green, which volunteer Valery Puzik took from real front-line life, were previously written for the Blindage web series. The publication contains nine stories.
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Kynopovest' «Nashy kotyky» - ýto trahykomycheskaia rasskaz o prykliuchenyiakh boitsov ATO, sozdannaia po motyvam stsenaryia odnoymennoho fyl'ma rezhyssera Vladymyra Tykhoho, kotorûi on napysal v soavtorstve s Valeryem puzyko. Sobûtyia razvorachyvaiutsia v nachale horiachei fazû voinû na vostoke Ukraynû. Na odnu yz pozytsyi fronta zastupaiut na boevoe dezhurstvo hlavnûe heroy: ynzhener, akter y prodavets tsvetov. Voynû-dobrovol'tsû, kak y tûsiachy ykh sobrat'ev, y poniatyia ne ymeiut, chto yhraiut reshaiushchuiu rol' v zashchyte Rodynû poka stanovyt'sia na nohy boesposobnaia rehuliarnaia armyia. Ystoryy hlavnûkh heroev s pozûvnûmy Leto, professor y Hryn, kotorûe dobrovolets Valeryi Puzyk vzial yz real'noi frontovoi zhyzny, prezhde pysalys' dlia vebseryalu «Blyndazh». V yzdanyy pomeshchenû deviat' siuzhetov.
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