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Tanzanie / Histoire /   marc21 | à Mes livres | acheter
My life, my purpose : A Tanzanian President remembers
Tanzania: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers , 2019. 334 p., color il. Soft. ISBN 9789987084005.  In English
His Excellency Benjamin Mkapa was Tanzanian’s third president, elected under the first multi-party general election in Tanzania. His memoirs range from his childhood, time as president, and his continuing post-retirement involvement on the international stage of development and peace mediation. This book will appeal to readers interested in: an African’s personal experiences of colonialism in East Africa; the struggle for independence by the liberation movements of several African countries; how war helped unify the diverse citizens of a young nation; fostering nationalism and addressing ethnic and religious differences; the economic and social aspects of transition to socialism and then to a free market environment; the political transition from a single party state to multi-partyism; and relations with international organisations and development partners.
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