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Language and Culture in Nigeria : A festschrift for Okon Essien
Nigeria: M and J Grand Orbit Communications , 2019. 1126 p. 29 cm. Soft. ISBN 9789785644029.  In English
Language and Culture in Nigeria contains 97 papers from a wide range of areas in Language and Linguistics written by colleagues, friends and former students of Professor Okon Essien. The collection fulfills a gap in the quest for a documented piece of work on the general pattern and structure of Nigerian names and is an invaluable material for comparative purposes. There are 19 papers in section A focusing mainly on various aspects of sociolinguistics and the role of language in society. Section B comprises 24 papers which fall in the area of stylistics, literature and gender studies. Section C contains 21 papers focusing on applied areas of linguistics. Section D comprises 11 papers on information science and communication studies. Section E contains papers that focus on the formal areas of linguistics, i.e. phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax & semantics. Section F is on Okon Essien as a celebrity. It comprises papers which not only x-ray the contributions of the celebrity to the study of languages and linguistics in Nigeria, but also situate him in the context of other linguistic celebrities globally. Section F is rapped up with a collection of brilliant poems dedicated to Professor Okon Essien by the ‘Ode Grandmaster’, Dr. Obed Ojukwu. There is also an appendix at the end of the work which is Professor Okon Essien’s intimidating curriculum vitae.

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