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Ganza spustia veka. Germaniia. Pol'sha. Rossiia. Litva: = Al'bom fotografii

Hanse centuries later. Germany, Poland, Russia, Lithuania: = The album of photos
CHast' 1: Kaliningrad: 2014. 205 p., color il., art paper. 23 x 29 cm. Hard. ISBN 978-83-7823-474-6. 2000 copies.  In Russian and English
The album runs about the cities situated near the North Sea and the northern part of the Baltic Sea, which were included in the Hanseatic League, a commercial and defensive confederation of merchant guilds and market towns in Northwestern and Central Europe during the Middle Ages.
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[1.245 kg.]
Vizual'nyi rasskaz o pribrezhnykh gorodakh Baltiiskogo i Severnogo morei, kotorye odnimi iz pervykh voshli v Ganzeiskii soiuz v period s XII po XIV veka s nebol'shimi soprovoditel'nymi tekstami. V al'bom voshli sotni fotografii, graficheskie i akvarel'nye raboty, a takzhe avtorskaia karta poberezh'ia.
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