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Al'ternativnye istochniki syr'ia i topliva posviashchennoi 150-letiiu Periodicheskoi tablitsy khimicheskikh elementov D.I. Mendeleeva : Tezisy dokladov VII Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-tekhnicheskoi konferentsii "Aist-2019", Minsk, Belarus' 28-30 maia 2019 g.

Alternative sources of raw materials and fuel dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev : Abstracts of the reports of the VII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Aist-2019", Minsk, Belarus, May 28-30, 2019
Minsk: Belaruskaia navuka , 2019. 120 p. 20 cm. Soft. 110 copies.  In Russian
The presentations were made on a variety of topics: renewable sources of alternative fuels and chemical raw materials; technologies for the production of alternative motor fuels and hydrocarbons for the chemical industry; the use of coal, peat, shale, wood and agricultural waste for the production of chemical raw materials and fuel; use of energy of the sun, water, wind, etc .; environmental problems associated with the production of alternative fuels and raw materials; catalytic systems based on metals in chemical processes; historical aspects of the production of alternative fuels and raw materials for the chemical industry; fuel and energy of the future. The Institute of Chemistry, New Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is among the main organizers of the scientific forum.
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Prozvuchavshèe doklady kasalès' samykh raznykh tem, — vozobnovliaemye èstochnèkè al'ternatèvnoho toplèva è khèmècheskoho syr'ia; tekhnolohèè poluchenèia al'ternatèvnykh motornykh toplèv è uhlevodorodnoho syr'ia dlia khèmècheskoi promyshlennostè; èspol'zovanèe uhlei, torfa, slantsev, drevesnykh è sel'skokhoziaistvennykh otkhodov dlia poluchenèia khèmècheskoho syr'ia è toplèva; èspol'zovanèe enerhèè solntsa, vody, vetra è t.p.; ekolohècheskèe problemy, sviazannye s proèzvodstvom al'ternatèvnoho toplèva è syr'ia; katalètècheskèe sèstemy na osnove metallov v khèmècheskèkh protsessakh; èstorècheskèe aspekty proèzvodstva al'ternatèvnoho toplèva è syr'ia dlia khèmècheskoi promyshlennostè; toplèvo è enerhèia buduùeho. Ènstètut khèmèè novykh materèalov NAN Belarusè — v chèsle osnovnykh orhanèzatorov nauchnoho foruma.

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