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Postizhenie. Izbrannoe. 1977-2012: 2-e izdanie, stereotipnoe

Comprehension. Selected. 1977-2012: 2nd edition, reprint
CHeliabinsk: CHGIK , 2018. 387 p. Soft. ISBN 978-5-94839-675-0. 100 copies.  In Russian
The edition consists of the most significant articles by the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, a leading bibliography specialist Tatyana Fyodorovna Berestova, published between 1977 and 2012.
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[0.465 kg.]
Izdanie soderzhit naibolee znachitel'nye stat'i doktora pedagogicheskikh nauk, professora, vedushchego bibliografoveda T.F. Berestovoi, opublikovannye v 1977-2012 gg. Berestova Tat'iana Fedorovna - Zasluzhennyi rabotnik vysshei shkoly (1998), Zasl. rabotnik kul'tury RF (1998). Laureat ezhegodnoi vnutrivuzovskoi premii "Legenda. Uspekh. Nadezhda" v nominatsii "Uspekh" za 2005 god.

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