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Katalog kollektsii Gosudarstvennogo muzeia-zapovednika S.A. Esenina: V 7 tomakh. Tom 4

Catalog of the collections of the State Museum-Reserve of Sergey Esenin: In 7 volumes. Volume 4
Tom 4: Riazan': Konstantinovo: Gosudarstvennyi muzei-zapovednik S. A. Esenina , 2019. 172 p., color il. 28 cm. Hard. ISBN 978-5-9903484-2-4; 978-5-60433436-0-7. 1000 copies.  In Russian
The book includes exhibits on weaving, embroidery, clothing, jewelry, economic pursuits, and musical culture. The preface contains the history of acquisition and characteristics of the collections.
$54.90 $27.45
Status: von regionalen Vorhandensein
[0.925 kg.]
Nastoiashchee izdanie prodolzhaet seriiu katalogov fondovogo sobraniia Gosudarstvennogo muzeia-zapovednika S. A. Esenina, predstavliaet soboi illiustrirovannyi katalog etnograficheskoi kollektsii, nebol'shoi po ob'emu, no dovol'no soderzhatel'noi. Katalog etnograficheskikh predmetov otrazhaet kul'turu, byt i narodnoe iskusstvo krest'ian srednei polosy Rossii. V nego voshli eksponaty po tkachestvu, vyshivke, odezhde, ukrasheniiam, khoziaistvennym zaniatiiam, muzykal'noi kul'ture. V predislovii soderzhitsia istoriia komplektovaniia i kharakteristika kollektsii.

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