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Afrique du Sud / Art et Architecture /   marc21 | à Mes livres | acheter
History after apartheid : visual culture and public memory in a democratic South Africa.
Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press , 2004. 364 p. Hard. ISBN 9781868144075.  In English
History after Apartheid analyses how, in the midst of the momentous shift to an inclusive democracy, South Africa’s visual and material culture represented the past while at the same time contributing to the process of social transformation. Considering the attempts to invent and recover historical icons and narratives, art historian Annie Coombes examines how strategies for embodying different models of historical knowledge and experience are negotiated in public culture – in monuments, museums and contemporary fine art. She explores the dilemmas posed by a wide range of visual and material culture including key South African heritage sites, and highlights the contradictory investment in these sites among competing constituencies and the tensions involved in the rush to produce new histories for the ‘new’ South Africa.
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