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Respublika Belarus' v zerkale sotsiologii: Sbornik materialov sotsiologicheskikh issledovanii

Republic of Belarus in the mirror of sociology : Collected materials of sociological research
Vypusk 10: Minsk: Informatsionno-analiticheskii tsentr pri administratsii Prezidenta RB , 2018. 180 p. 20 cm. Hard. ISSN 2413-788X. 400 copies.  In Russian
The collection presents the results of sociological studies conducted in 2016 by the Information and Analytical Center under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus. The articles of the collection contain an analysis of public opinion on the socio-economic and political situation in the country, as well as on other pressing issues over a period of several years.
$25.00 12.00
Statut: En stock régional
[0.330 kg.]
V sbornèke predstavleny rezul'taty sotsèolohècheskèkh èssledovanèi, provedennykh v 2016 hodu Ènformatsèonno-analètècheskèm tsentrom prè Admènèstratsèè Prezèdenta Respublèkè Belarus'. Stat'è sbornèka soderzhat analèz obùestvennoho mnenèia o sotsèal'no-ekonomècheskoi è polètècheskoi sètuatsèè v strane, a takzhe po druhèm aktual'nym voprosam v dènamèke za neskol'ko let.

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