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 38 Bücher auf $1860.5
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Weißrussland / Wirtschaft / Catalogen   marc21 | auf Wunschzettel | kaufen
IArmarka innovatsionnykh idei. Ofitsial'nyi katalog : Smart patent 4-5 dekabria 2018 g., Minsk (Belarus')

Fair of innovative ideas. Official catalog: : Smart patent December 4-5, 2018, Minsk (Belarus)
Minsk: Laboratoriia intellekta , 2018. 194 p., art paper., photos. Soft. 1000 copies.  In Russian
Practice-oriented event for young teams and large companies will introduce interesting proposals in various fields: medicine, industrial technology, chemistry and earth science, energy, information technology, biotechnology. Among the most interesting ideas of the fair is an autonomous wind and solar lamp, which is designed for installation in places where power supply is difficult and unprofitable, board game with added reality, the project “Turbosphere”, based on the transformation of the extra pressure of natural gas into additional energy . Investors may be interested in a professional space flight simulator, its guests will be able to try it out for themselves. The University of Civil Defense Emergency Situations will show the localizer of the explosion. The device can be widely used during mass events. A complex information and educational product on the technology of presenting works of visual art to people with hearing impairments was developed by the Institute of Inclusive Education of Belarusian State Pedagogical University in cooperation with the National Art Museum.
$10.00 $10.00
Status: von regionalen Vorhandensein
[0.404 kg.]
Praktèko-orèentèrovannoe meroprèiatèe dlia molodykh komand è krupnykh kompanèi poznakomèt s ènteresnymè predlozhenèiamè v razlèchnykh sferakh: medètsèna, promyshlennye tekhnolohèè, khèmèia è nauka o Zemle, enerhetèka, ènformatsèonnye tekhnolohèè, bèotekhnolohèè. V chèsle naèbolee ènteresnykh èdei iarmarkè - avtonomnyi vetro- è solnechnyi svetèl'nèk, kotoryi prednaznachen dlia ustanovkè v mestakh, hde slozhno è ekonomècheskè nevyhodno provedenèe elektrosnabzhenèia, nastol'naia èhra s dobavlennoi real'nost'iu, proekt "Turbosfera", osnovannyi na transformatsèè v dopolnètel'nuiu enerhèiu èzbytochnoho davlenèia prèrodnoho haza. Ènvestorov mozhet zaènteresovat' professèonal'nyi sèmuliator kosmècheskèkh poletov, eho hostè smohut oprobovat' na sebe. Unèversètet hrazhdanskoi zaùèty MCHS pokazhet lokalèzator vzryva. Ustroistvo mozhet naitè shèrokoe prèmenenèe prè provedenèè massovykh meroprèiatèi. Slozhnyi ènformatsèonno-obrazovatel'nyi produkt po tekhnolohèè prezentatsèè proèzvedenèi èzobrazètel'noho èskusstva liudiam s narushenèiamè slukha razrabotan Ènstètutom ènkliuzèvnoho obrazovanèia BHPU sovmestno s Natsèonal'nym khudozhestvennym muzeem.
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