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Ekaterinburg v oranzhevom nastroenii: Dnevnik-putevoditel'

Yekaterinburg in orange mood: Diary-travel guide
Ekaterinburg: Azimut , 2018. 176 p., color il., photos. 18 cm. Soft. ISBN 978-5-9500918-2-7.  In Russian
Vladimir Shakhrin (born 1959) is a Soviet and Russian rock musician, singer, author, co-founder and frontman of the rock band “Chaif” (years active: 1985–present).
Statut: nous recevons votre commande marc21
Vladimir Vladimirovich SHakhrin (rod. 22 iiunia 1959 goda, Sverdlovsk, SSSR) — sovetskii i rossiiskii rok-muzykant, pevets, gitarist, avtor pesen, osnovatel' (sovmestno s Vladimirom Begunovym) i bessmennyi lider gruppy «CHaif». Pochiotnyi grazhdanin Ekaterinburga (2018).
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