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Vologodskaia krepost'.

Vologda fortress
Vologda: Drevnosti Severa , 2018. 200 p., color il., photos, art paper. 30 cm. Hard. ISBN 978-5-93061-126-7. 500 copies.  In Russian. Annotation in English
The results of the historical and archaeological research of the city of Vologda are published in a book. The first part of the book is focused on the emergence of political history, topography of medieval Vologda, materials of archaeological excavations. The second part is devoted to the poorly studied historical, architectural and archaeological monument - Vologda fortress in the period of the second half of the XVIth- XVIIth century. Fortress is considered in the context of socio-political history and development of the military-engineering of Russia. Special attention is paid to the phase of the construction of the fortress in the epoch of Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV]. Ivan IV is associated with the construction of the first stone fortifications in Vologda. In the annex there is an article, which presents the finding of the first birch bark reading and writing in Vologda and the historical sources of Vologda fortress of XVIIth century. The book designed for circle of readers interested in national history, experts in the field of archeology, history of stone fortification and urban development.
$64.80 $32.40
Status: in stock
[1.120 kg.]
V knige otrazheny rezul'taty issledovanii po istorii i arkheologii goroda Vologdy. V pervoi chasti rassmatrivaiutsia voprosy vozniknoveniia, politicheskoi istorii, topografii srednevekovoi Vologdy, publikuiutsia materialy arkheologicheskikh raskopok. Vtoraia chast' posviashchena maloizuchennomu istoricheskomu, arkhitekturno-arkheologicheskomu pamiatniku - Vologodskoi kreposti vtoroi poloviny XVI-XVII v. Krepost' rassmatrivaetsia v kontekste sotsial'no-politicheskoi istorii i razvitiia voenno-inzhenernogo dela Rossii. Osoboe vnimanie udeleno etapu stroitel'noi istorii kreposti epokhi Ivana Groznogo, s kotorym sviazano vozvedenie v Vologde kamennykh ukreplenii. V prilozhenii predstavleny stat'ia o nakhodke pervoi berestianoi gramoty v Vologde, istochniki po istorii Vologodskoi kreposti XVII v. Kniga prednaznachena dlia kruga vnimatel'nykh chitatelei, interesuiushchikhsia voprosami otechestvennoi istorii, spetsialistov v oblasti arkheologii, istorii fortifikatsii i gradostroitel'stva. Avtor: Kukushkin Igor' Polievktovich, nachal'nik Vologodskogo otriada Severorusskoi arkheologicheskoi ekspeditsii, vedushchii spetsialist Avtonomnogo uchrezhdeniia kul'tury Vologodskoi oblasti «Vologdarestavratsiia».

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