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Folk tales and fables of The Gambia.
Volume 3: Banjul: Educational Services , 2012. 220 p., il. Soft. ISBN 9789983901092.  In English
This selection of ten stories was gathered from the Wollof, Mandingo and Jola people. The story of 'Boppi Jerreh' has been much narrated by the Wollof people of Banjul, the fisher folk of Barra, and its neighbourhood from time immemorial. The Wollof story, 'Kumba Ndaba marries Jeggan Touray' shows how the institution of marriage fosters kinship ties while the the stories gathered from the Jola people are all based on the occupational lives of women, a deep appreciation of nature, and the traditional practice of consulting soothsayers before embarking on any major initiative.
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