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Upravlenie v sotsial'nykh i ekonomicheskikh sistemakh: Materialy XXVI mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, Minsk, 18 maia 2017 g.

Social and Economic Systems Administration: Proceedings of the XXVIth International theoretical and practical conference, Minsk, May 18, 2017
26: Minsk: Minskii innovatsionnyi universitet , 2017. 140 p. 28 cm. Soft. ISBN 978-985-490-915-8. 100 copies.  In Russian
The collection contains materials on the problems of improving the effectiveness of the national innovation system, ensuring the sustainable development of the national economy, the effective functioning of the national legal system, education management, the use of innovative and information technologies in education, linguistic and social studies, psychology and other fields. Materials published in the author's edition.
$34.00 $19.00
Status: von regionalen Vorhandensein
[0.374 kg.]
V sbornèke predstavleny materèaly, posviaùennye problemam povyshenèia effektèvnostè natsèonal'noi ènnovatsèonnoi sèstemy, obespechenèia ustoichèvoho razvètèia natsèonal'noi ekonomèkè, effektèvnoho funktsèonèrovanèia natsèonal'noi pravovoi sèstemy, upravlenèia v obrazovanèè, èspol'zovanèia ènnovatsèonnykh è ènformatsèonnykh tekhnolohèi v obrazovanèè, lènhvostranovedenèè, psèkholohèè è druhèkh sferakh. Materèaly opublèkovany v avtorskoi redaktsèè.

ID auf diesem Computer speichern
Shubbar, Rafi` Khidralih
al-Sultah al-qadaiyah fi al-nizam al-fidrali.
Seliverstov V.I.
Saga o Kotovske.

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