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Angola / Philosophie /   marc21 | auf Wunschzettel | kaufen
Reflexao filosofica sobre a estupidez codificada.

Philosophical reflection on the coded stupidity
Bücherreihe: Coleccao Kunyonga
Luanda: Mayamba Editora , 2011. 96 p. Soft. ISBN 9789898370549.  In Portuguese
Dya Kasembe (literary pseudonym of "Amelia de Fatima Cardoso) was born in 1946 in Mumbondu-Muxima, Kisama municipality, Bengo Province. She obtained the French State Diploma in General Nursing in the Higher Institute of Psychomotor Rehabilitation of Paris and a degree in Philosophy from the University of St. Dennis, Paris 8, France. Poet, columnist, chronicler, writer and researcher, started her career by publishing poems and short stories in colonial newspapers under various pseudonyms. She is the author of the well-known publications: " Angola, vingt ans de guerre civile. Une femme accuse", " Femmes Sacres, Insoumises, Rebelles ", " Soigner en Noir et Blanc ", published by Harmattan.

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