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Kamchatskaia rodoslovnaia kniga: Dokumental'noe izdanie

Kamchatka genealogical book : Documentary edition
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii: Kamchatpress , 2019. 818 p. 17 x 25 cm. Hard. 100 copies.  In Russian
The book is a result of the 40-year study of Sergei Vakhrin on aboriginal and Russian people in Kamchatka in XVIII-XIXth centuries.
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[1.975 kg.]
Eta kniga - pokolennaia rospis' kamchadalov (aborigenov i kamchadalov «russkoi krovi»), ch'i predki prozhivali na poluostrove v 18-19 vekakh, plod kollektivnogo truda mnogikh. Rezul'tat raboty Sergeia Ivanovicha Vakhrina v techenie poslednikh soroka let. Sergei Vakhrin - kraeved, pisatel', chlen Soiuza pisatelei i Soiuza kinematografistov Rossii.

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