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Aleksandr Zass. ZHizneopisanie, sistema i metody.

Alexander Zass. Biography, system and methods
Orenburg: Orenburgskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo imeni G. P. Donkovtseva , 2018. 312 p., il. 22 cm. Hard. ISBN 978-5-88788-240-6. 1500 copies.  In Russian
Alexander Zass, (1888-26 September 1962) was a Russian strongman, a professional wrestler, and an animal trainer. He was better known by his stage names, The Amazing Samson, Iron Samson, or simply Samson, Zass has been credited as the "first Russian champion in weightlifting in the pre-Revolutionary era". The book represents the fullest and the most accurate biography of Zass and is based on his memoirs published in 1925 in London.
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Unikal'naia, sobrannaia po krupitsam biografiia obramliaet memuary vydaiushchegosia silovogo atleta XX veka Aleksandra Ivanovicha Zassa, pik populiarnosti kotorogo prishelsia na desiatiletiia ego zhizni v Velikobritanii. «Sil'neishii chelovek mira», «Udivitel'nyi Samson» nachal svoiu tsirkovuiu kar'eru v 1908 godu v Orenburge, no posle uchastiia v srazheniiakh Pervoi mirovoi voiny, posle mnogochislennykh plenenii i pobegov ostalsia v Evrope. Vyshedshie v 1925 godu v Londone memuary Zassa perevedeny na russkii iazyk, illiustrirovany fotografiiami i dokumentami nashego sootechestvennika, po ch'ei sisteme zanimalis' Arnol'd SHvartsenegger, Valentin Dikul', IUrii Vlasov. Aleksandr Zass—priznannyi v mire klassik silovykh vidov sporta, no vpervye ego rossiisko-britanskaia sud'ba predstavlena stol' dostoverno i polno. Avtor-sostavitel': Igor' KHramov, prezident blagotvoritel'nogo fonda «Evraziia».

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